The Secret în Chișinău

MoldovaThe Secret



🕗 programul de lucru

121, Strada 31 August 1989, Chișinău, MD Moldova
contacte telefon: +373 790 10 101
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 47.0224119, Longitude: 28.8284759

comentarii 5

  • Tony Yoya

    Tony Yoya


    I'll give it the benefit of the doubt, we ordered a couple of drinks( three people, about four rounds) and some red bull in the end, the bill came out 3300 lei (about 200$). Didn't pay attention to it while in the club, but the second day checked my statement, it showed up as "dance club" with the name that can be looked up easily on google. It is something that I will have to cover up on my statement with a good cover up story, but still overcharged that is my outrage. The girls were ok and friendly, the host was attentive and the security was professional, in general no complains to the staff except that is Moldova with US or European (somewhat high end) prices. It's conveniently located in the heart of the city so it is easy to get in and out at any time at night, but One time is enough, next time I will be looking for alternatives. Still, NOT TOO BAD, although I will not come back in the future

  • The wondering Englishman

    The wondering Englishman


    Bouncer says I must spend 1000 at 3am - I don't mind a couple of drinks - but 1000 at 3am is just verging on the limits of Alcoholism

  • Andrei Vazdauţan

    Andrei Vazdauţan


    All great. Affordable prices, amazing girls :-)

  • Endre Tomos

    Endre Tomos


    Beautiful, talented girls. The prices are quite high for Moldova though.

  • Victor Levine

    Victor Levine


    A San Diego native and found this place by accident. Had great time. Girls will dance to your choice of music. Security was very friendly. Bar keep was honest and the place was very classy.

cel mai apropiat Club de noapte

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