Jack's Bar&Grill în Chișinău

MoldovaJack's Bar&Grill



🕗 programul de lucru

2/4, Bulevardul Constantin Negruzzi, 2001, Chișinău, MD Moldova
contacte telefon: +373 789 94 444
site-ul: www.facebook.com
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 47.015042, Longitude: 28.854307

comentarii 5

  • Cornel Caba

    Cornel Caba


    The food was ok, music as well. But what really pissed me off was the personnel, who is very disrespectful. When I contacted the local administrator, I was surprised to be treated bad.

  • Anxious Pretzel

    Anxious Pretzel


    - Turtle speed service. - No craft beer. - No beer snacks. - Very loud music. + Tasty meat.

  • Tony Yoya

    Tony Yoya


    The place looks comfy, it hass a decent variety of drinks and coctails, but it's dead on weekdays. Stopped here Thursday april 12, and it is completely dead, only one table occupied, checked back an hour later (from across the street) it looked completely empty. It's definitely not an experience (although I was contemplating about coming in) I would look for, just being at the only table in the whole place (with a friend), it's just a little depressing, so we passed. Weekend on the other hand could be a different experience, but I will have to update on that. So far, not impressed. Likes - Theme, variety of choice, location Dislikes - slow, depressing, bodyguards/security not friendly

  • en

    Morten Mobil


    Great place.. Good food and drinks. Not too expensive:)

  • Andrei Senseutchi

    Andrei Senseutchi


    I will start by saying that this is not my type of restaurant. That is why my opinion might be somewhat subjective. It is a pretty formal place, where people come dressed up and stuff. I didn't really enjoy the service, it seemed distant and unwelcoming. No one who works there smiles, or at least I haven't seen anyone smile. I had a steak, the meat was well prepared, but it lacked any flavor, it felt like they didn't put any condiments in it. It is an expensive place compared to other places in Chisinau.

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