Motomix Rent A Car în Chișinău

MoldovaMotomix Rent A Car



🕗 programul de lucru

88/1, Strada Ismail, Chișinău, MD Moldova
contacte telefon: +373 799 22 060
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 47.0181748, Longitude: 28.8499826

comentarii 5

  • Zinon rallis

    Zinon rallis


    never came at the airport as agreed i had to call them and wait. very arrogant old idiots. i have booked a Renault duster and i got a dacia duster insted. they told me that in Moldova Renault is Dacia. at the end of the rental they wanted money to wash the car. give some ekstra money and rent form another company

  • Ilie Cebotari

    Ilie Cebotari


    Best price and good cars.

  • Evghenii iacovet

    Evghenii iacovet



  • en



    I was in Chisinau early June 2016. I had made booking directly to the owner of this car rental and i was very happy about their response. This is a family running business by 2 brothers. Dont be afraid by their look, they might look too serious but they have a great heart, really really nice people that I never met at any other car rental. I and my bf arrived to airport very late, and the owner offered to come pick up at airport to come to his office to finalize the contract and payment. My bf was very nervous to drive at night in a new place where they drive opposite site from where we are from. The owner understood and helped to drive us to our hotel. They then later again offered to drop us at the bus station when we drop-off the car. All in all, they are always available for you, whenever you need their assistance. To me personally, I was very moved by their friendliness and helpfulness. A business which doesnt just take money from client but care for client as their friends. Highly recommend to book at this car rental.

  • en

    Diana Lacatus


    Noleggio auto a Chisinau. Best prise & conditions. Car rental company in Chisinau.

cel mai apropiat Închirieri auto

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