LUXCAR MOLDOVA chirie auto прокат авто în Chișinău

MoldovaLUXCAR MOLDOVA chirie auto прокат авто



🕗 programul de lucru

Lunideschis 24 de ore
Marțideschis 24 de ore
Miercurideschis 24 de ore
Joideschis 24 de ore
Vinerideschis 24 de ore
Sâmbătădeschis 24 de ore
Duminicădeschis 24 de ore
24/7, Strada Melestiu, Chișinău, MD Moldova
contacte telefon: +373 688 94 444
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 47.0014269, Longitude: 28.8431626

comentarii 5

  • en

    mih cir


    worst customer service ever!!!!!!They will try to find a lot of reasons to don't refund your deposit. They don't know how to behave with clients... I would not recommend anyone...

  • en

    Simion Aramă


    Avoid at all costs! You can meet all the problems described by others, and many more! I'm afraid now to rent a car in Moldova.

  • Amelly Darkly

    Amelly Darkly


    Urgently needed to rent a car for the trip.Many tenants need to agree in advance.And then I quickly chose my car, the paperwork and I quietly left for a few days.The tenant is good, great choice of cars!

  • en

    Victor Petrov


    Beware of shady bait-and-switch tactics and completely unreasonable management! I paid $100 deposit for a car a month in advance, and when I arrived at their place (they were nice enough to wait for me after their closing time), they did not have the car I left the deposit for, so the deposit is effectively useless and it is also non-refundable! The only car they had for me was 50% more expensive than the car I had already booked, so I refused to take it. That's when their 'niceness' ended. To quote LuxCar: "different car, different price" and "leave or we call the police" (even though we were already outside calmly talking in a public place - what kind of company threatens to call the police on their own customers while refusing to meet their end of the bargain?). To be clear, I was fine with driving another car in the same class (Hertz provides different cars in the same class all the time, regardless of the car chosen at the time of the booking) but switching the car and telling me to either accept a higher price or lose the deposit was unacceptable. What if the only car available was a $1000 vehicle per hour? According to them, I would have to accept that deal. It makes no sense. They will tell you that it's on their site that they can do whatever they want, but that's just sleazy. Essentially they are betting on the fact that they will bait you with a low price and upsell you on a much higher priced vehicle when you've already sunk the deposit money, or that you will refuse to pay more and lose the deposit. Either way, they make money off of you. I refused to do any further business with them. I recommend that you look somewhere else if you value your time, money and sanity.

  • Andrei Guidea

    Andrei Guidea


    Bait and switch, they post and give you one price then they increase the price and the terms , in my case I wanted it for one day , came in and I was told minimum 3 days !

cel mai apropiat Închirieri auto

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