Tapok Hostel în Chișinău

MoldovaTapok Hostel



🕗 programul de lucru

Armeneasca 27A, ap. 10, Chișinău 2012, Moldova
contacte telefon: +373 684 08 626
site-ul: tapok-hostel.business.site
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 47.01617, Longitude: 28.833679

comentarii 5

  • en

    Andrei Misenschii


    A very good hostel and staff is awesome !

  • Robert C Sousa

    Robert C Sousa


    Barato e razoável

  • Erika B

    Erika B


    Fantastic social atmosphere and the most helpful staff ever. They will seriously help you with anything and go above and beyond. The dorms are hot and sweaty and the kitchen and bathrooms aren't that clean, but I would recommend staying here for the staff and social atmosphere anyway.

  • Botond György

    Botond György


    On 29-30 March I was accomodated there. I asked in advance, if I can park my car in the backyard: of course, no probleme. When I got there, the bakyard was blocked by someone's car....the receptionist had no idea who it belongs to, and did not care. I had to find a parkin lot by myself..which is quite difficult in daytimes... Also, the bathroom was to small, the beds were really noisy. But the best was, when I left there my almost new pair of NewBalance shoes: I send a mail, they promised me, it will send via post (or something). I called them every week for a month. They promised to send me every time, but nothing happened. After a month, they send me an e-mail: they tried to send me the shoes, but it was too complicated.

  • en

    Mckenzie ATX


    This is a very cool hostel. They have an outdoor seating area to hang out with people. It is very small though. I also stayed at IQ hostel which I liked as well.

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