Jeraffe în Chișinău




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84, Strada Ismail, Chișinău, MD Moldova
contacte telefon: +373 22 500 757
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 47.0163696, Longitude: 28.8470806

comentarii 5

  • Adam Larsson

    Adam Larsson


    Loved this place. One of the best sushi restaurants that I’ve ever been too. Super friendly staff that gave out a free appetiser. Wasn’t too expensive and both the decor and staff was superb! Truly recommend this place if you love food. Was so surprised about this place, will definitely come back some day

  • en

    S Lee


    As an Northeastern Asian, I have to say I was skeptical of sushi and maki they sell in Moldova. However this restaurant served them well beyond my expectations. Especially the cabbage maki tasted splendid and I would highly recommend it. The only flaw was in the sushi which I would say had to much rice in it. With this much rice the fish itself is concealed, where as the taste of the fish is supposed to be the essence of sushi. However this small flaw wouldn't make me hesistate on visiting again as the makis were just over the top. No more comments on the makis and I'm not expecting to eat a better one in Moldova. Very nicely cooked and sauced meat dishes I have to say which is served in a way that can be easily eaten. How they flavored the meat is somewhat similar to Korean meat dishes. Overall a great restaurant, a place you would take your family or buisness parteners. Costs around 90 US dollars(about 1500 Moldovan leis) for a whole meal for two.

  • en

    Björn Lindtorp


    A great restaurant with consistently high quality

  • Анатолий Оларь

    Анатолий Оларь


    Outstanding restaurant till now is the best from the city , a bit expensive however you should go there with your girlfriend or wife at least ones

  • Victoria Poparcea

    Victoria Poparcea


    The first time I came to Jeraffe, was a few years back. And I was always satisfied. However for my last recent trip, I have come here every day, sometimes twice a day for a week. I have tried almost every single dish on the menu. And I can say without any doubt that everything served in this place is absolutely delicious! As a meatlover, you might want to specify to the chef exactly how raw your meat should be, otherwise it might come a bit overcooked. But that is just the way everyone cooks meat in Moldova. The moment I specified that I wanted my meat medium rare, I was served every time with an amazing piece. I special thought for the salmon sashimi that come with frozen olive oil that heats the salmon when you dip on it, a quite unique and most delicious way to serve such a dish. The wine selection is very well stacked and Ion or Slava will give you the best advice to help you chose. You may even have a tasting if you hesitate. The menu is quite refined and probably this restaurant is more for "special occasions", than your daily lunch place. The decorum is quite romantic and the tables are far away one from another, so that you don't get to share your neighbor's conversations. Now, about the service: simply perfection! They really try to be as present and as invisible as you personally need. If you're in a mood to chat, they will gladly talk with you and answer questions. If you prefer to be alone, no one will bother you and you won't even notice how and when your glass will be refilled. Bottom line, I will come here every time I'm traveling to Moldova. The restaurant and the staff left me with the best possible impression.

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