Creme de la Creme în Chișinău

MoldovaCreme de la Creme



🕗 programul de lucru

98A, Strada Alexandru cel Bun, Chișinău, MD Moldova
contacte telefon: +373 22 222 011
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 47.0277643, Longitude: 28.8368288

comentarii 5

  • en

    Vladimir Crivoi


    stopped by after walking with friends around city center to eat some desserts . Have to mention it was late evening . The waiter said that they were going to close in about 30 min min and he didnt recomend us to stay ( His angry face was saying that) . Well ok we said we just wanted to eat some of your cream cakes and leave quickly . After a short and rough conversation we were seated . Rough service didnt stop at this point . After reviewing the menu we asked a question and for recommendations of that night specialties. “ Do you you think I remember all kind of cupcakes we have here ?” - that was his answer and the next thing he did he offered us go inside the restaurant and check what’s available. Being in good mood and out of curiosity to see end of this story we went inside and chose our selfs a cupcake. We were done in 20 min. After we finished , my friend’s wife took the plates back to the kitchen to help that poor guy to finish his , probably , hard day . Funny thing we saw people were coming after us and were seated in more pleasent manner . I have described this experience in details so that restaurant’s management can see what kind of customer service people face here. reputation builds up for years but can be lost in one single day . Totally disapoiting service .

  • Diana Petrescu

    Diana Petrescu


    Very sweet ambiance, pun intended. You really do feel like you are in a cafe in Viena. Some of the most dashing and elegantly dressed serving staff i have ever seen.

  • en

    Olesea Mironica


    Good food and fresh squeezed juice. Small portions compared to the American ones that I've been used to. It seems like the servers wanted us out asap. We felt rushed all the time after we got our food.

  • Ana-Maria Spinu

    Ana-Maria Spinu


    You get inside and you feel a bit more classy, your spine straightens up and a smile decorates your face. The place looks small, but there's enough space for minisofas and chairs, round and rectangular tables, a small and cosy playing ground, a refined bathroom and a wall full of chic framed mirrors. I recommend it to couples, but also for a cherring-up session with a friend or all by oneself :)

  • Oscar Euroscar

    Oscar Euroscar


    Waiters don't speak English despite it is in the center of the city. We ordered a tea and a chocolate and they brought us the chocolate in a cup for a expresso, and as tea something weird with milk and 20 minutes after the chocolate. Anyway the place is nice and cakes are correct.

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