CREATIVITY club i Кишинэу

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MoldovaCREATIVITY club



🕗 åbningstider

47a, Paris Street, Кишинэу, MD Moldavia
kontakter telefon: +373 686 07 772
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.0312485, Longitude: 28.781397

kommentar 5

  • сергей михайлов

    сергей михайлов


    Непонравился ответ при входе

  • en

    Andrei B



  • en

    Coach Scott


    Stupid bouncer does not like American's and denied me entry. Americans: AVOID this place, they don't want you here. Seriously, AVOID, AVOID, AVOID. I am a fit, good-looking, blue-eyed, brown-haired American guy, age roughly 40. Awaiting my wife's arrival here in Moldova, been here 5 days without her and told her I would probably try to visit this "Karaoke Club"... it seems to be the only interesting thing they have within walking distance of my hotel. Not understanding why he wouldn't let me in on this Saturday night, I actually gave him the sign asking him if he wants money, rubbing my fingers together when he initially denied me... nope, no-go, apparently this karaoke bar just hates Americans. @Club owner- I have been to 10 restaurants in my 5 days here, and literally tipped a minimum of 20% on EVERY tab, bill, check, or otherwise, since I arrived. Your bouncer/security is not making smart business decisions on your behalf. We are actually considering moving here, and have a lot of money to spend on the places we find and like... we are very well-off financially, even by American standards. The security out front made it clear your clientele is apparently only locals. That sir, is too bad. Things like this cause your place of business to lose more customers than it is worth... it is a shame that some businesses do not understand the power of reviews and social media.

  • Natalia Ciobanu

    Natalia Ciobanu


    Классно там всегда

  • ru

    Daniela Cosniceanu


    Дохлое место)))))

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