Chisinau в Chisinau



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Chisinau, Moldova
контакты телефон: +373
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 47.0130019, Longitude: 28.860231

Комментарии 5

  • Anetta



    Train Station is beautiful. There is some reason to come and visiting. It feels in Soviet Union. Especially trains are old but comfortable. Chişinau - Odessa is a train like bus seats with leader covers and is more comfortable. There is a cafeteria you can buy hot drink and beverages. The bad thing is that in winter there is only a train in Saturday and is very crowded.

  • en

    Google User


    Excellent railway station.

  • en



    Nice train station

  • Lucian Trestioreanu

    Lucian Trestioreanu


    How backward and stupid can you be to invest money to build/renovate this building to such a level instead of investing in trains and railway infrastructure which both are older than granma' ?! To what could serve a nice station when the trains and infrastructure are practically a joke, a museum?! Just build someone's image and launder some money maybe. The toilets are hidden away so far that 90% of travellers will miss them. And even if they knew where these are, I doubt they would use them. The toilets are old turkish style, paid and dirty, smell awful - use only for emergencies. But they have live fish tanks (aquariums) in the station hall! :)) In front of this opulent building there is a park where locals sell 2nd hand clothes and stuff on the alleys. You can't find a decent snack and coffee 300m inside or around the station if you wait for a train. Circus of foolishness.

  • Goose on the Loose Travels

    Goose on the Loose Travels


    Not many people spoke English but the staff went out of their way to help us. We left our bags in the luggage room and the attended made sure we understood the procedure for picking up after hours. Be aware though when purchasing tickets that some windows are cash only while others will take credit cards.

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