Andy's Pizza în Chișinău

MoldovaAndy's Pizza



🕗 programul de lucru

6, Bulevardul Moscova, 2068, Chișinău, MD Moldova
contacte telefon: +373 22 210 210
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 47.047176, Longitude: 28.863622

comentarii 5

  • en

    Andrei Gusan


    The most worth dish is "Mexican soup" (In ro. Supa mexicana). Everything else is pretty standart for restaurants. I am visting Andys for 10 years. Ussually people go there because of "SOLID" restaurant, like McDonalds. The policy of McDonalds is that is pretty much the same (in all countries) and have pretty good standarts. Same is Andys, but in a local area.

  • Roman Vasilascu

    Roman Vasilascu


    It's pretty much a typical place from the Andy's chain. Lots of food and drinks options. Prices are usually decent. The terrace is quite big so the service may sometimes be on the slow side, which can get frustrating. Other then that, all is fine.a

  • en

    Natalia Namesnic


    I liked this place. The service is acceptable. Is there any possibility to find out the name of a waiter who works there?

  • Daria Anatolievna

    Daria Anatolievna


    Good pizza. Capriciosa is one of my favorite. Cozy interior. Pleasant service. You should to wait you order little bit. Playground for kids. But no room or even a table for changing daipers and no room for breastfeeding. It's strange, because they are positioning like family restaurant. That's why minus one star.

  • en

    Victor Beregoi


    I went on a Sunday afternoon and it was very crowded with children running and playing everywhere. I waited for almost 30 minutes to get the drinks and almost 1 hour for the food. When I asked for a second drink it never came. Very slow service for a restaurant in my opinion. Keep in mind if you see many people expect to wait for a very long time to get your order. I ordered a pizza, chicken and fries. The fries were alright but the pizza and the chicken were pretty average.

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