Edem Hotel в Chișinău

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МолдавияEdem Hotel


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34/1, Strada Odesa, 2012, Chișinău, MD Moldova
контакты телефон: +373 22 276 463
Веб-сайт: www.edem-hotel.md
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Latitude: 47.0109133, Longitude: 28.8516801

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Morten Mobil


    Nice hotel and staff. They speak a little bit bad English, but they understand you most of the time. The hotel is located 10 minutes walk from "downtown"😊

  • Florin Arjocu

    Florin Arjocu


    Lots of minuses, they are trying to fool people (I could read many confirm this): - I was given a key in the evening when I arrived, I wanted to pay before going to the room and the lady insisted to pay in the morning; in the morning I was asked to pay almost twice my Booking reservation fee as it seems that I got "in the luxury room". Not my problem I was given the key to something else. Good they agreed to pay the normal price (they tried to negociate larger sum). I have no idea what luxury means to them, but that is not luxury, it is just a simple apartment (suite); - in the other room there was some underwear + socks visible next to a spare blanket; it means nobody cleaned that part or the room is currently used by someone else; - the old TV only worked in the other room (I had 2 rooms, one with the bed and one with a sofa) and there were only Russian TV stations (I think there was something in Romanian, too, but not what I would expect); I cannot speak Russian and although it might be a beautiful language, I will not learn it for a night in a hotel in Chișinău where the official language is not even that one; - kitschy, there was no designer or real architect involved, it does not seem to have been built for this destination, as a hotel. In the corner of the bedroom there was a kind of cheap plastic transparent curtain masking the construction they are building next to this one, the door will get people to some other room; this is not that bad, it was just very kitschy, like many other details. - water is flowing on the floor from the shower, the bathroom floor was also half wet when we arrived; - for the second night we moved to some Communist-times hotel but one you know what to expect from. - just discovered that the Romanian Booking description says it is a 4 stars hotel; the English says it is a 3 star hotel. Btw, the mark is way too high. Funny, right? It is just like trying to fool visitors. - no receipt was offered, but that is common over there. + Large room, clean on the floor and in the bathroom.

  • en

    Avi Star


    Close to the main Street. Located in a relatively quite place.

  • Reuben Zadeh

    Reuben Zadeh


    I had made a reservation two months in advance since I only had limited time in Chisinau. Upon arrival, the front desk woman who didn't speak a word of English denied that there was a reservation. She had me wait a whole hour in hopes of someone else who would take care of the issue. That person never arrived and I gave up and walked away. Do not stay here. You're wasting your time!

  • Moritz Wildi

    Moritz Wildi


    Friendly staff! Close to center, rooms are clean. Shower could use improvement ;-)

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