Cosmos Hotel Gonaives i Chișinău

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MoldovaCosmos Hotel Gonaives


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2, Bulevardul Constantin Negruzzi, 2065, Chișinău, MD Moldova
kontakter telefon: +381 18 200761
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.01429, Longitude: 28.8533715

kommentar 5

  • Ono Tomohiro

    Ono Tomohiro


    Location from the station of Chisinau is very near about 5 minutes on foot. Also the bus station from Bucharest where is called Central terminal is near about 10 minutes on foot. I would say this hotel is good location to visit by bus or train. Entertainment facilities in the hotel has casino, mini bar. There is a mini cart circuit and three big malls in front of the hotel. Breakfast (7:30-10:00) is included in the fare and an all-you-can-eat style. Pancakes of Moldovan style are so delicious. The room is almost cozy but in case of weekend , it might be so noisy until midnight coz there is disco bar near the hotel. Staffs, frontman are very friendly. They have wonderful smiles. Totally it's not but. I stayed there for 4 days.

  • Jerry Grant

    Jerry Grant


    They serve a great coffee and bacon roll in the reception cafe

  • Tatiana Indge

    Tatiana Indge


    Back to the Soviet times, even though our room was the renovated one. The quilts, sheets and TV are from 90s. The view is great, from the 10th floor

  • MotorCore Putzbrunn

    MotorCore Putzbrunn


    A real Soviet experience. Having said that, people are very nice and helpful. If you can bare that, I recommend you this experience

  • Ruslan V-The Driver.

    Ruslan V-The Driver.


    Although it's an older hotel it has really good and friendly employees. The breakfast is something you should be looking for. Most the food is freshly cooked its like home cooked . I'll definitely stop by again . Also the price is reasonable .

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