Cocos Privé i Chișinău

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MoldovaCocos Privé



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34, Strada Tricolorului, 2012, Chișinău, MD Moldova
kontakter telefon: +373 797 22 221
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.0271057, Longitude: 28.8304505

kommentar 5

  • gadi slonim

    gadi slonim


    I love the music

  • Serghei Sava

    Serghei Sava


    Went there on a saturday night with my girlfriend and my friends. We had some drinks, felt good, dancing when suddenly my girlfriend felt very strange and went in the bathroom to vomit. She felt very sick and only had a few drinks, she was not abusing alcohol. I went in the bathroom with her and asked the security guard to bring us some water. The security told me they dont have any water and asked us to leave as soon as possible. In the end i managed to get out of there with my girlfriend who was barely conscious. The next day i found out that my friends were feeling very sick as well and they felt very sick for the next 2-3 days. We believe that we were intoxicated with some sort of very poor quality drinks. With all that being said, that was the second time when we had such an experience at Cocos Prive. Be aware of their drinks.

  • J.M.J.A Al-Mannai

    J.M.J.A Al-Mannai


    It's not so crud today 😯 it's Friday night.

  • Roy Blasius

    Roy Blasius


    Nice music and location.

  • Marko Matić

    Marko Matić


    Fancy club with mainly russian speaking visitors.

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